About us
the founders
Demaagd, meaning “the Virgin” in Dutch, and
Fenech meaning “rabbit” in Maltese.
they lit on the idea of starting many a business together.
The Virgin Rabbit is their brainchild - along with other brilliant initiatives.
Jaie Demaagd values knowledge and reputation, and believes in sharing knowledge rather than hoarding it for personal benefit. He invests in people with product and industry knowledge to build reputations, and is always open to learning new things. Jaie also values trust, honesty, and integrity, and strives to be truthfully up front with both good and bad news. He looks out for other people's interests and is always there to help.
Jaie treats others like they are part of the community and helps creates solutions that benefit the community as a whole. With a background in software engineering and a degree in IT with a marketing focus, Jaie is a skilled property tech entrepreneur and product manager. He has a track record of creating innovative smart products, including the first cloud lighting control solution that he sold to Tridonic.
Michael Fenech is known for his enthusiasm, enjoyability, and excitement, and he always strives to make others feel comfortable in their environment. He believes in giving people the benefit of the doubt.
In addition to his fun-loving personality, Michael is also committed to helping others. He works to ensure that people are better off after interacting with him, and he listens and tries to understand how he can help others. He is skilled at finding win-win solutions for customers, and he puts this skill to use in his work as a smart building wireless technology entrepreneur and property developer.
With a background in military electronics and a strong track record in the business world, Michael Fenech is a dynamic and dedicated leader with a passion for helping others and making a positive impact in the world.